It’s our national sport here in New Zealand; some say it’s our national religion. Rugby, it’s not a game for wimps. 15 players are throwing themselves at each other to get a ball across a line at the other end of the field. No helmets, no shoulder pads, the only […]
Our Need For Thee, by Francis of Assisi In our ever present need for thee: Beloved, let us know your peace. Let us be your instruments that break every shackle, for do not the caged ones weep. And give us our inheritance of divine love so that we can forgive like you. […]
I have a new car, well it’s new to me. This little Steel blue Mitsubishi Colt is what gets me around now. Love it. So I was out driving the other night with my son and the windscreen needed demisting. It was really fogging up quick, so I turned on […]
If you put your nose to the grindstone rough, And keep it down there long enough, You will soon conclude that there are no such things, As a brook that babbles or a bird that sings. These three things will your world compose: Just you, the stone, And your ground-down […]
Brendon McCullum knocks one off to the side ‘With a quiet nod to the applauding spectators he looks around the ground knowing he has a lot more work to do if New Zealand is going to save this test. Brendon McCullum, 50, not out’ Radio Sport commentator I was […]
Guest Blog: Last year I invited a number of people to write sermons on the Beatitudes. Bill Gray wrote about Peacemaking within the battleground of an addiction to gambling. Here is a condensed version. My life is anything but peaceful. I have a continuous, on-going, relentless, battle with an addiction […]
The early church leader Paul was an amazing leader. He took on huge challenges and amongst them infighting within his own Christian community. Nothing changes much does it! One of the challenges he throws us is how to love whilst people are stabbing you in the back. He had an […]
My Dance with Depression and What I Have Learnt Depression can be a killer. For those who daily face the darkness, they need help. In this series, I share a few dance steps I have learned. 9. Do Something! You may not feel like doing anything. Don’t trust your feelings; […]
I experience Depression. It reached a tipping point last year and in this series of blogs I am sharing what I learned both from personal experience and walking with others about Depression. 7. Medication helps, some. OK, I take some medication. Since last year I have been taking a small […]
Men and Women are different We all know this! We have been wired quite differently by God to be complementary to each other. Now, this blog post is not designed to be a place where we will argue black and white views; there is a lot of grey in the […]