There is a fear in all of us. It’s been there seemingly forever. The Psalmist sings ‘Search me, Know my Anxious Thoughts.’ Can God be that good? I was watching a TV program about border control in the U.S.A. The officers had a tip that someone coming through immigration was […]
The orphan and the widow The orphan and the widow You provide for them both Both lost attachments You care for their growth You watch over strangers You care for the poor Prisoners locked up inside Need not worry anymore I secure my attachment I cling to the host […]
I Remember I remember From this day The little gifts Left along the way I remember the silence I remember the sounds Little dog ears Even there you are found I add them all up When my mind starts to wander To places of fear Despondency bondage I’m growing […]
I worry about what’s ahead, but I have a shepherd who prepares a table before me, so I wait, trust and see. A friend recently sent a job offering to me. It was to come to a town called Echuca in Victoria Australia and be a snake catcher. Yes, […]
When waves of anxiety come, I need to dive into the providence of God. To feel held, known and loved. This summer, here in new Zealand, I have been going for swims most days. I have a beach quite near to where I live and it’s a safe beach […]
Worries, fears, and anxieties can all bring us to a place where we pray ‘I’m anxious God’ but there is hope. I went to see my Doctor the other day for my routine checkup. ‘Anxiety’? he questioned. I replied ‘No, everything is fine there’ But a seed had been sown, […]
The first time I heard the Polish proverb “Not my circus, not my monkeys” I felt quite shocked, but digging deeper, I understood what they were saying. I heard it said by a husband about his wife. It felt callous. It felt cold and I still think it was. That […]
They had got so used to the intrusiveness of others that they didn’t even care anymore, but slowly a line in the sand appeared, then a fence and then they built a wall. I enjoy being kind. I am generous, probably to my own detriment, but sometimes I feel […]
She crossed a line with her words, a line that was getting thinner with every wag of the tongue, but what could be done to help them both? It was the evening of the very first day of the year (2025). A beautiful summer’s day here in New Zealand. […]
We give and give, even if it does us harm, but what if we learned the limits and established a line? People have said to me in the past ‘You need to set better boundaries’ I look and them and think. ‘Thanks for the encouragement. You really haven’t listened […]