I Remember
I remember
From this day
The little gifts
Left along the way
I remember the silence
I remember the sounds
Little dog ears
Even there you are found
I add them all up
When my mind starts to wander
To places of fear
Despondency bondage
I’m growing quite a collection
Providential proverbs
Psalms and reflections
I soak my brain in them
Anointing oil flowing through
My cup of joy is overflowing
Saucer fills to the brim
I look to see
How you’ve provided ahead
A warm dry place
Rest for my head
Where will I find you
In the next moment today
Walking beside me
Up ahead on the way
Emmaus path opens
You and others beside
Stepping into your known
In love I confide
Find God everywhere,
but keep it a secret.
Next time you see a friendly dog,
lift its ear and say,
“I see you!”