I experience Depression. It reached a tipping point last year and in this series of blogs I am sharing what I learned both from personal experience and walking with others about Depression.
7. Medication helps, some.
OK, I take some medication. Since last year I have been taking a small dose of an Anti-depressive medication. I am thankful for this as it has dampened down the power of some very powerful, intrusive, suicidal, negative thoughts. It also helped with my sleep, allowing me the space to continue working and being part of life.
Basically with the stress I was under, my brain chemistry changed. My fragile brain soup altered and I needed help.
It’s not the cure all, quick fix, solution. It’s only part of the package.
Will I need to be on it forever, possibly not, but others do and that’s ok.
Taking medication can carry stigma’s, but it is not about weakness but about having strength to face that we as humans are fragile and not self sufficient.
Medication helps, some.
My advice is to get some advice from others.
Your Doctor can help, but you may want to get a second or third opinion. Don’t be in too much of a hurry to come off them too, rebuilding the fragile plastic brain takes time, be gentle on yourself.
Get feedback from those around you. An objective, truthfully honest view of how you are. Those around you are the ones who have to live with you!
Your perception, about yourself, maybe through rose tinted glassed!
Don’t expect over night miracles, brain medication takes time to build up to a therapeutic level. Keep taking the med’s, be regular and consistent.
Medication may well be the life saver you need!
What are your thoughts about the taking of Medication, are they helpful, hindering or harmful?
8. Singing
Sing a new song to the Lord.
I love music, ever since I was a child I was surrounded by music. My parents had a love of music. Mum played the piano and the record player. Dad sung on the old chugging David Brown tractor. He would joyfully sing his favourite hymns and chorus’s as he went around the farm.
I reckon singing does things in the brain. In fact it does, here is an interesting link to explore.
For me, singing gives my brain something else to think about, an alternative to negative stinky thinky.
I sing all sorts of songs. I sing praise and worship songs. I sing in Tongues – a spiritual gift I have. I sing songs that I make up from verses of scripture that I want to memorise. I sing along with others whether in a group or listening to a CD etc..
Singing is a gift from God. Some believe that God even sang creation into existence.
You may well think ‘I can’t sing’. It doesn’t matter, sing anyway! You may well be singing new thoughts and beliefs into your brain.
How much do you sing and what does it do for your thinking?
Barry Pearman
Image: Free Digital Images; Morgue Files