In my hiding place

In my Hiding Place

In my hiding place

You are a hiding place for me
A large rock
A small crevice
My ant like self can find a home
Deep within its bossom

I follow the fissure
I burrow in deep
I hide my self in you
Feathers fall at my feet

Safe and secure
Deep in you I’m found
But I am alone
No other human sound

Will someone seek
To that place which I hide
Will someone travel down the same paths
Into my coal face mine

I will seek you out
I will gently explore
I will go to places
To where no one has gone before

I will bring a simple flower
Lay it at your door
Can you come out and play
No more hiding anymore


You are a hiding-place for me;
    you preserve me from trouble
Psalm 32:7

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