Soultalk. What would it be like to have a conversation that goes a little deeper than shallow chit chat?
One that listens deep and long. Exploring what God is up to in your life. Perhaps dancing a little with a rhythm that has gone on forever.
Sometimes we need a one-to-one conversation, some soul talk, and support for our struggles, but it’s so hard to find a place to rest and be listened to well. So let’s make time to connect.
- Who
This is for anyone who needs some extra support, guidance, spiritual direction, coaching regarding mental health, faith, and everything in between. - What
What gets covered in a meeting is really up to you. Past conversations have been around people’s problems, depression, anxiety, growing confidence, faith questions, making changes, and many other topics. - Why
I think we all need someone in our lives who we can download to. Someone who has been there, done that, and got the experience to guide us on how to take the next step. - When
When we meet is negotiable. So contact me, and let’s start the conversation. - How
Generally over Zoom, but other platforms are ok too. Emailing is an option too. - Cost
A donation.
Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
If you want to give a gift to support here is the link.
Find out more about Barry here.
Soul Talk is the language people speak when the life in them meets the need in others. Larry Crabb
Soultalk is ready for you to make change
Soultalk is gentle and slow. At your pace.
Ready for Soultalk?
I met Barry on what was probably the darkest night of my soul. I was Googling “God, please kill me,” and Barry’s page appeared. I reached out by email, and he immediately asked if I’d like to Zoom (he is 16 hours ahead of me).
When I met Barry that night, he was a stranger, but literally the only person I had in my life. Everything was so dark, and I didn’t know what to say. Barry simply said, “Let’s sit here together.” All I could do was cry. I’ll never forget the look of understanding and love on his face.
What I remember most about that night was Barry’s reassuring presence. Real presence. And I knew that, in that moment, someone in this world really loved me. Why? Just because he saw me as a wounded child of God. He let me know that he was a fellow traveler in these struggles.
I know that God brought Barry into my life that night. I don’t know where I would be if I hadn’t found him. I’m so thankful to call him my friend, and know that he’s there for me as I continue to find healing and wholeness in my life.
James, Florida
I have been privileged enough to have crossed paths with Barry Pearman during one of the darkest periods in my life. I found his articles through an online search and was just blown away by his fresh, creative, personal and godly approach.
When I reached out to him, he was so kind and generous and helped me “see” where I had blind spots.
We’re not always ready to act on the truth when we first hear it, but with Barry’s kind yet piercing questions, I was led on a journey of truth-discovery that eventually led to me becoming strong enough to leave a long-term, abusive relationship for good.
Today I am living in freedom and light, feeling life returning to all parts of my being where darkness tried hard to win. Thanks again Barry!
Xylia, South Africa
I am a 22-year-old female.
One could say my life just began, but in my eyes it was falling apart.
I cried every single day; I began to wonder how my body could produce this much tears. I looked around my room, trying to find answers and looking for one more reason to keep going.
I cried out to God, and it felt that he was ignoring me.
I did a simple google that said, “God I want to die”
Behold, Barry’s website appeared.
I saw his contact information and told him I need someone to talk to right away.
I believe the next day we met on Zoom and I sat there crying my eyes out. I am crying to a random stranger about my problems.
Barry took everything I said and did not judge me. He did not have to say much to get me to smile again.
Couple months later, I see Barry as my second dad. A father figure that I never had.
Barry reminds me how loved I am. How precious my life is.
Barry is 16 hours ahead of me but he finds the time to speak to me.
If you are conflicted to contact Barry, do it. Please do.
I believe God sent me to his website and contacted Barry so I continue another day; I can find another reason to keep going.
Life is hard. I will always say that. I am only 22 years old and I will continue living through life.
I will constantly have my ups and downs. The main recipe to get through life is surround yourself with the right people.
God knew Barry will be one of them and I am extremely grateful for this blessing.
K.A. Georgia U.S.A.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash