Somewhere, someone, is currently asking a question.
Most likely they will type into an internet search engine, like google, sentences such as
- God, I want to die
- Why don’t men talk
- Bible verses for Mental Health
- How do I forgive?
- how do I help others solve their problems?
- Does ‘Turning the Cheek’ mean I have to keep taking abuse?
Thousands of answers will appear.
Including help from Turning the Page.
Help that is based on Faith, Hope, and Love. The greatest of these is Love (Agape)
So people come to this website.
- 46000 people have read a post entitled ‘God, I want to die’
- 13000 people have found some verses to help their mental health
- 12000 have learned something of the freedom found in forgiveness
- 10000 people have read about why men don’t talk
- 9500 people have learned how to help people solve their problems
But all of this can’t happen without someone like you giving a few dollars each month.
When you donate monthly, it really takes the stress off me, the creator.
Giving monthly empowers me to focus more clearly on the needs who keep emailing me.
People who write sentences such as these
- I do not believe that anyone can convince me that I have not lived a life worth the slaying by the hand of God.
- Please pray for me in my job as I face a lot of insecurity and feeling like a fraud many days. A lot of responsibilities while lots of feelings of inferiority.
- I know my many reasons for wanting to die, are things that I have caused. I’m too worthless to ever feel worthy of use for God. I have trouble telling anyone, I get the cliche answer every time.
Listening, praying, writing for people who write emails to me like these takes time and energy.
You can help me.
- Pray for me
Pray for wisdom, strength, and a listening heart to hear God. Pray that words I write and share be birthed in Faith, Hope and Love. Pray that I may help the hurting, the bruised, and the broken. - Give monthly
Give a few dollars. Using Donorbox it’s a minimum of $3 US. If you are in New Zealand, where I live, you can make a monthly payment directly into my bank account.
What you receive.
- My eternal gratitude
- A monthly newsletter where I go a little more personal in what’s happening for me in life and ministry. I also use this email as a kind of forum where I discuss upcoming plans and ideas.
- Access to classes. I am doing classes, and monthly donors receive a ‘free invite’ to attend them. If they can’t attend live, then the videos are available to for replay.
So how about it?
- DonorBox
- Paypal Donate Via Paypal
- Direct – Bank to bank. If you have a New Zealand bank account, you can donate directly to my bank account. Please note in the transaction that this is for Turning the Page. Here is the bank account. 02-1244-0108530-000
- Gift card. I have some people who want to remain anonymous and so they send a gift card.
1469 Clevedon-Kawakawa Road
Kawakawa Bay 2585
New Zealand
The BHAG 300
Sometimes, if you want to make a big change, you need to have a BHAG – a Big Hairy Audacious Goal. Help me achieve mine.
So here is my BHAG
300 people giving
$3 per month to Turning the Page
by the end of the 2025
Breaking it down even further that’s 10c per day per person.
When I look at that B.H.A.G. number, I feel surprised, scared, apprehensive.
But I’m also excited at the potential for how this level of giving could change things for thousands of people around the world.
- For privacy reasons, I can’t tell you the stories of the people that email me.
- I also can’t tell you the stories of the 702 people last month that read God, I Want to die – because they’re anonymous and that’s why they came
BHAG press-ups and planks
Every time there is a monthly donation commitment, I will do ten press-ups to celebrate. I will video record myself doing them and send a video to you.
So, just doing the numbers, that’s 300 times 10, which equal 3000 press-ups by the end of 2025.
“A true BHAG (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals) is clear and compelling, serves as a unifying focal point of effort, and acts as a catalyst for team spirit.
It has a clear finish line, so the organization can know when it has achieved the goal; people like to shoot for finish lines.
A BHAG engages people—it reaches out and grabs them.
It is tangible, energizing, highly focused. People get it right away; it takes little or no explanation.”

Barry is a writer, coach, and course creator that has a passion for empowering Mental Health through Faith, Hope, and Love.
Get two free ebooks. One about Depression and one about Spiritual Exercises that will help your Mental Health