
106 posts

little by little

Little by little

“There is more to life than increasing its speed.” Mahatma Gandhi.  ‘My life is not where I want it to be, I should be …’ ‘Should’s’ have a powerful pull over the mind. We have expectations, we have dreams, others have expectations for us, and others have dreams for us. […]

We Learn by What we Ask

  Once upon a time, yes its one of those stories, the Ear, the Eye and the Tongue got together for a chat. The Eye was telling the other two about how it had observed something the day before. It had watched an event intently and saw all that could […]

Tick on a dog

A friend and I were talking the other day about Ticks. Not the nicest of topics but apparently in Australia they have ticks that can cause paralysis to a dog, and then eventually death. Reflecting on this I remembered what Dr. Larry Crabb wrote. ‘What is a tick there for, […]