8 Reasons why you Won't take an Online class 4 Rewards when you do

8 Reasons Why you Won’t take an Online class: 4 Rewards when you do

In the past I’ve been put off from taking online classes, but recently I’ve been taking some and I have grown a lot through them.

I believe there are 8 reasons you most likely won’t be taking online classes.

They’re not in any set order, but I believe the first one, social anxiety, will actually rank as number one for most people

8 Reasons you Won’t take an online class

 1. Social Anxiety

This is huge. The fear of being seen.

The fear of being asked a question and you scrambling for an answer.

Fear of looking and sounding dumb. That you will be put into groups.

As someone said, ‘a fear of having to explain myself and not making sense, not knowing, not flowing.’

For many, doing a live online class is ‘An act of bravery’ Lauren Sapala.

That’s why …

Turning the Page Online classes use Zoom.

You can turn your camera off, and be in the background.

If you want, you can comment in the chat, but that’s totally over to you.

I won’t be asking for 1:1 video talk.

There will be a time for that later if you want to take part. 

The class will be recorded for later viewing but images of attendees won’t be seen.

Privacy is important to me.

 2. Technology

Online sounds difficult doesn’t it?

This app called Zoom, I’ve heard about it but it sounds really techie.

Do I need a special computer? I only have a phone.

That’s why …

I want to make it as simple as possible. 

If you can watch a video on YouTube, then you can learn from a Turning the Page class. 

If you want to take part and be in the class, then you will need Zoom. A free easy-to-use app for your computer or phone. 

Download it here

There is a setting in Zoom where you can turn off your camera if you don’t want people to see you.

When you sign up to be part of the class, you will receive a link to the Zoom meeting.

You simply click on the link when the class is about to start and then you are there in the class with me 🙂

You don’t have to pay for anything.

My wonderful monthly donors have covered the cost.

 3. Time Zones

This is a real problem for many people.

I live in New Zealand, and we are the first to see the new day.

Many of the Turning the Page community live in other parts of world and just can’t get their head around my course being, say on a Saturday morning, and for them it’s a Friday afternoon.

That’s why …

Whenever I publicise a new class, I will always include a number of time zones.

You can also use a very easy-to-use app called World Time Buddy  to help clarify things.

If are still unsure, then please email me.

Also, all the classes are recorded so if you are unable to attend live you can still watch or listen to the recording.

4. Cost

I have seen some crazy prices to courses I have wanted to attend.

Sometime Ive paid them and come away thinking I could have bought 20 books for the price of that course.

The price of some courses are so limiting to be accessible to those that the content.

That’s why …

All classes on Turning the Page are priced at a donation. $3 US dollars minimum.

Monthly donors get the classes as a gift for them being monthly donors.

If you can’t afford the class, or are unable to pay online etc, then email me and I will send you the links

5. I haven’t got the time

Yes, we can be very busy and simply dont have the time to fit in a class.

That’s why …

All classes on Turning the Page are recorded and put up on YouTube (unlisted)

They are also put into an audio version (Mp3) so you can listen to them over and over again while you’re out gardening, walking, and watching paint dry.

6. Not a class learner

Yeah, I get that.

You prefer to read, watch a video, or listen to an audio book. I like all those things too.

But I have found …

Being in a class means I can mix and mingle with people much like myself.

They have similar questions and struggles.

I don’t feel so alone.

I find community and I can help them with what I have found along the way. 

Later, after the class is over, I can watch and listen to the replay and learn even more. 

7. Learning something new and it involves technology

Download this, click on this link, turn off this, turn on that.

Learning curves.

It’s hard to learn something new, but the more times you do it, the easier it becomes.

That’s why …

If you need any help, let me know, or ask a teenager 😉

8. Past experiences

As I said earlier, I have had a mixed experience of taking online classes.

Some of them are way overpriced.

There’s hype, gloss, bling. Everything I don’t want and can’t connect to.

They are full of what I call ‘bumf’ – material that is usually unwanted and not that interesting.

They try to sell the ‘next best thing’.

There is manipulation and snake oil sales talk. I want to throw something.

That’s why …

You won’t get bling, bumf, or bull…

You will get me talking practical lived truth.

No upselling or snake oil sales talk.


4 Rewards when you do

 1. Niche learning

What I have discovered in some of the online classes I have taken where at most there are only, say, 40 people is that this is a very small group with a very particular need.

The presenter has honed the topic down for those specific people.

In that place, I have found others like me.

We have shared resources, ideas and encouragements.

Simply put, I have found a group of cheerleaders who, through an ‘Act of bravery’, have come online from all over the world to be part of my team.

2. Fraction of the cost

If I was to travel, to take these classes, it would be outrageously expensive for me.

Yet, from my little home, way down here in New Zealand, I can access world class educators from around the world. I can build relationships with them.

3. Convience

With online courses, I can build them into my lifestyle.

I don’t have to be in the class live, although for most I try to be.

But I can listen to or watch the recording whenever and wherever I like.

If I have a question about a certain topic, I can simply go back to the recording and enjoy it once again.

4. Visual Audio learning

Some of us learn better by watching and listening.

This is where online classes are so good.

You don’t have to read.

You can watch, and you can listen.

For me, when I take online classes, I generally don’t even write notes.

I immerse myself into what I am hearing and seeing. I might engage with the comments and write thoughts and ideas there.

Later, I will listen or watch the recording three or four times, gleaning out the goodies.


Are online classes for you?

Is an online class something you want to explore further?

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Barry Pearman

Barry is a writer, coach, and course creator that has a passion for empowering Mental Health through Faith, Hope, and Love.
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