A Ladder Out of Your Depression Dark Hole

A Ladder Out of Your Depression Dark Hole

When you want it all to end, you think nothing will change, but what if you had a kind of ladder out of your depression dark hole? Would you climb it millimetre by millimetre?

That’s what this short ebook is about. A Ladder Out of Your Depression Dark Hole

Brief sentences you can read when you’re in a dark space.

Small enough to print out and out in your back pocket.

Easy enough to download and store on the phone.

The brain needs something to give it a different focus.

Ladder Rungs

The ladder rungs are brief sentences like these

  • I don’t know what I don’t know, and there are caring people out there who can help me through my unknowing.
  • There are better options to what I am planning, and I need some help to find them.
  • I am not my failures.
  • The feelings I have are like echoes of the past and don’t truly represent today.
  • Just because they said those things doesn’t make them true.
  • Not everything I think and feel is true, and that is normal for everyone. I need the viewpoints of safe others to help me clarify my own.
  • When I choose to keep on dancing to the music of my negative thoughts and feelings, I will always be led astray.

I’ve been in that place you’re in and so that’s why I wrote this for you.

Sign up below and I will send it to you.

You’ll also get some things that may help you. Others have said that it has helped them.

You won’t be getting

  • Lots and lots of emails from me. I hate that too.
  • Advertisements and other annoying stuff. Grrr


It’s totally private. I will tell no one you’ve signed up and you can unsubscribe anytime, it’s easy.

What you will get is some free ebooks and one email each week with content about Mental Health and Christian Spiritual Formation.

I’m not a Bible basher, just a guy who has found some answers to the struggle and wants to share them.

So, fill out the form below.

Also, you can email me  barry@turningthepage.co.nz  Many do. I answer every email.


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Photo by Ricardo Cruz on Unsplash


I’ve had Enough, Take my Life God, I Want to die

Dig yourself out of your hole

When You Find Yourself in a Dark Hole, Start Digging

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