
106 posts

I remember the silence I remember the sounds Little dog ears Even there you are found

I Remember

  I Remember I remember From this day The little gifts Left along the way I remember the silence I remember the sounds Little dog ears Even there you are found I add them all up When my mind starts to wander To places of fear Despondency bondage I’m growing […]

Are You Scared to Receive

Are You Scared to Receive?

Are you scared to receive? To receive might just undo a carefully constructed sense of being in control, but little drops of love open the rustiest of doors.  I know someone who is very generous to me. In fact, this website and my ability to get content out is only […]

I've Had More than Enough of Being Held in Contempt

I’ve Had More than Enough of Being Held in Contempt

Ive had more than enough of being held in contempt, but when I know divine approval, I can rise again.     It was like they were at the bottom of the pecking order and being held there. People had contempt for them. The word ‘contempt’ is one we don’t often […]

Five Reasons Why They Will Never Change

Five Reasons Why They Will Never Change

I’ve often heard the words ‘They will never change’, but what if God’s Spirit grabbed them? What if resurrection light was invited to glow? There’s always have a chink in my spirit when I hear the words ‘They will never change.’ Alongside those words may come phrases such as ‘A […]

I Don’t Need This In My Life Anymore

I Don’t Need This In My Life Anymore

There comes a time and a place when you say, ‘I don’t need this in my life anymore. That you have options. You are worthy of more than this.   It had gone on too long and what was actually abnormal had now become the norm. She had been morphed […]

Good Conversations don't leave you Feeling Judged

Good Conversations don’t leave you Feeling Judged

Feeling judged can make you want to hide. Why put yourself out there if people are going to judge you? What you want is a good conversation.    They didn’t have the conversation because they knew they would feel judged. Feelings of being dismissed, ridiculed, ‘shot-down’, laughed at, mocked would […]