To be known is to be pursued, examined, and shaken. To be known is to be pursued, examined, and shaken. To be known is to be loved and to have hopes and even demands placed on you. It is to risk, not only the furniture in your home being rearranged, but […]
Have you ever been found, found out, or found wanting? We all want to be known. Artist: David Hayward This picture comes from the story of the Men caught in Hypocrisy. Jesus went across to Mount Olives, but he was soon back in the Temple again. Swarms of people came to him. He sat down […]
Photo Credit: andyaldridge via Compfight cc A young couple moves into a new neighbourhood. The next morning while they are eating breakfast, the young woman sees her neighbour hanging the wash outside. “That laundry is not very clean; she doesn’t know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better laundry […]
There is no ideal community. Community is made up of people with all their richness, but also with their weakness and poverty, of people who accept and forgive each other, who are vulnerable with each other. Humility and trust are more at the foundation of community than perfection. Jean Vanier […]
We all make mistakes; we all stuff up. The feelings of regret, shame, maybe even guilt can plague and loom over us like a dark cloud. How do we learn to come out from that cloud? We need to eat more Swiss cheese! Ok, now I don’t want you to […]
I started my career in Mental Health support in a large old boarding that was a kind of halfway house for people needing quite intensive support. Hanging on the wall of the lounge was a wooden plaque with this Maori Proverb on it. He aha te mea nui? He […]
How do you respond when someone spreads rumors about you, gossips, lies, pretends to be your friend while really all they are doing is using and abusing you? A stab in the back. Perhaps they influence other friends to their side of the story. You’re having rotten tomatoes thrown at […]
I have secrets I tell no one. I am not alone in this I am certain. I am sure you have them too. Things you have done have or that have been done to you. Fears, desires, longings, pains, and some things that you are not even consciously aware of. […]
It’s an acronym I learnt this week from All is Grace, Brennan Manning’s memoirs. He was describing his time in a rehab facility for his alcoholism when he received feedback from his fellow alcoholics in a peer review worksheet. I SEE YOU USING THE FOLLOWING DIVERSIONS TO KEEP FROM DEALING […]
There are some people that just push my buttons! Something about them sets off a chain reaction of thoughts and feelings. Perhaps they remind me of someone else or something that has happened in the past. A memory echo bounces around my soul. If I am going to be a […]