Need help for mental health

Need Help Now?

Do you need help at the moment? Many people come here because they want help for their Mental Health but want to be anonymous.

Here you can be as private as you want to be.

You may simply want some advice and don’t want others to know. People can be so judgmental.

No one here is judging you. You are you and you’re in a dark spot at the moment.

There is a lot of information here, so I have listed out the top posts that people come here to view.

Wanting to die, depressed, alone, abandoned, having a loss of hope? You’re welcome here.

Need Help

Everyone of us from time to time finds a place where things get too much. They dont know what to do.

Many people, these days, reach out looking for help by typing their deepest needs into a search engine.

Words such as

  • God, help me
  • I want to give up
  • I am so lonely
  • I’m depressed
  • I’m anxious

Many people come to Turning the Page to find the help they need.

It’s private and you can be as anonymous as you want to be.

You don’t have to talk to anyone.

No one is going to keep your details or find out more about you.

You are safe here.

There is also a lot of information that you can search your way through.

Many people sign up to the email newsletter.

When they do this they get access to ebooks and a course.

They also get a weekly email from me with helpful information related to Mental Health, Faith, and Spiritual Formation.

I only email once a week. I am not going to spam your inbox with email after email.

Again, you can be as anonymous as you want to be.

But if you want to email me, use the contact form or email me


God, I Want to die

A Ladder Out of Your Depression Dark Hole

How to Stop Being the Scapegoat. Six Keys

Dig yourself out of your dark hole

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