There is a fear in all of us. It’s been there seemingly forever. The Psalmist sings ‘Search me, Know my Anxious Thoughts.’ Can God be that good? I was watching a TV program about border control in the U.S.A. The officers had a tip that someone coming through immigration was […]
I worry about what’s ahead, but I have a shepherd who prepares a table before me, so I wait, trust and see. A friend recently sent a job offering to me. It was to come to a town called Echuca in Victoria Australia and be a snake catcher. Yes, […]
When waves of anxiety come, I need to dive into the providence of God. To feel held, known and loved. This summer, here in new Zealand, I have been going for swims most days. I have a beach quite near to where I live and it’s a safe beach […]
Worries, fears, and anxieties can all bring us to a place where we pray ‘I’m anxious God’ but there is hope. I went to see my Doctor the other day for my routine checkup. ‘Anxiety’? he questioned. I replied ‘No, everything is fine there’ But a seed had been sown, […]
Our brains can keep reminding us. ‘My Sin is Ever Before Me’ writes the poet, but what if we had a purifier? It’s ever before me. It’s in my face. If there was a common theme, I get from many of those who email me it is the sense […]
I’ve got too much going on in my life, but I want to keep my life simple, so I discard the complex. He’s a fictional character and I like the freedom he has. His name is Jack reacher and is the creation of Lee Child. Jack Reacher has the […]
Being caught in a trap was felt by the poet who wrote ‘The Snares of Death Encompassed Me’, but they had a way out. I was recently watching one of those ‘survival’ reality T.V. shows where people are thrown into the wilderness and they have to survive. The show […]
We all have painful experiences in life, but redeemed pain is more impressive than removed pain. What good can be found within in our pain? Sometimes I am given a gift voucher. It has no value tangibly in itself. It is but a piece of plastic the size of […]
I Can’t Take the Pain Away I can’t take the pain away I don’t have a magic wand I don’t have a time travel machine To wish us back to nought It’s the clugginess Of this earth bound clay That grips around the soul One day, we know not when […]
The practices of your week and day may drain your life, but what practices restore your soul? ‘Oh, that’s so good for the soul’ Sometimes I hear people say that. Sometimes I say it myself. It’s that moment when you feel a restoring of something drained out of you. You […]