Spiritual Formation

227 posts

The Perfect Cup

The Perfect Cup it is time for meto see the flawsof myselfand stopbeing alarmed it is time for meto halt my drivefor perfectionand to accept my blemishes it is time for meto receiveslowly evolving growththe kind that comesin God’s own good timeand pays no heed to my panicky pushing it […]

The Hobbit - A sword not a walking stick

3 Steps to Wearing a Sword Instead of a Walking Stick

Then something Tookish woke up inside him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick. J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit I wonder what adventure lies just outside your door? The Hobbit […]

Have you been Marked for Groaning and Sighing?

It was a story that released an inner groan.   It was the story of a North Korean soldier being executed for failing to grieve after the death of Kim Jong-il. He was caught drinking during the 100 day mourning period. Execution is bad enough, but the way he was […]

4 Joys to Grasp when your ‘Hands are Tied’

It can be frustrating when your ‘hands are tied’. ‘My hands are tied’ is an idiom that means that you are unable to act or behave in a certain way because something is constraining you. There is no freedom. ‘I would love to raise your salary but my hands are […]