We all have feelings, but what does God want you to do with your feelings? Perhaps God wants you to bring the feelings to God first. I have emotions I am human, and as a creation of God, I have emotions. I have feelings. God feels, so therefore I do. […]
Spiritual Formation
Many times the expectations on us are just too heavy. When I saw this image I just had to use it. So many times we want to be the dog on the right, doing great things, projecting strength, and on top of everything. Whereas, in reality, we are more like […]
The Perfect Cup it is time for meto see the flawsof myselfand stopbeing alarmed it is time for meto halt my drivefor perfectionand to accept my blemishes it is time for meto receiveslowly evolving growththe kind that comesin God’s own good timeand pays no heed to my panicky pushing it […]
Then something Tookish woke up inside him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick. J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit I wonder what adventure lies just outside your door? The Hobbit […]
Transformation is something we more easily see in the rear-view mirror than out the side window. David Benner What’s the view out of your side window like at the moment? Fast and furious? Blurred, as the year whizz’s by you? In this post I want to sow an idea in […]
The man with the knives, the pretty girl on the target, the drum roll and then the silence. A knife whistles through the air into the target, inches away from the young lady. Then another, and another and another. The crowd is hushed and shocked at the danger, the […]
It was a story that released an inner groan. It was the story of a North Korean soldier being executed for failing to grieve after the death of Kim Jong-il. He was caught drinking during the 100 day mourning period. Execution is bad enough, but the way he was […]
It can be frustrating when your ‘hands are tied’. ‘My hands are tied’ is an idiom that means that you are unable to act or behave in a certain way because something is constraining you. There is no freedom. ‘I would love to raise your salary but my hands are […]
We all make mistakes; we all stuff up. The feelings of regret, shame, maybe even guilt can plague and loom over us like a dark cloud. How do we learn to come out from that cloud? We need to eat more Swiss cheese! Ok, now I don’t want you to […]
I don’t want to come into contact with them, but I sure am glad they are there. Guardrails are needed to keep safe. As I drive to various places, I see them. Not really designed for attractiveness, they are made from concrete, steel, wood and the worst are those are made […]