
106 posts

What is emotional pain

What is Emotional Pain?

It’s a long way from there to there. Stuck in the middle, we have emotional pain, but we can also have presence. A comfort to the pain of now. They wanted some relief. It wasn’t so much the highs and lows of a roller coaster; it was more like dragging […]

A Simple First Place Prayer secpnd

A Simple First Place Prayer

Your pain is legitimate, and second-place prayers reveal the need, but first-place prayers must always come first, so we pray a simple prayer.    Simple sounds easy. Requiring little effort. First place. It’s where we put the best, second-place things go behind first-place things. There is an order—first place, then […]

Sitting in the Mental Health Shadow of an Eclipse

Sitting in the Mental Health Shadow of an Eclipse

A shadow passed over them. An eclipse shadow of the soul, but I didn’t want them to be alone, so I sat and listened to the darkness.  The light slowly changed. What was the middle of the day seemed more like dusk, but I looked at my watch, and sure […]

Nine Acronyms for Mental Health

Nine Acronyms for Mental Health

Often you need a little acronym to remind you of a path to follow. Here are nine acronyms to help your mental health.  Over the years, I have collected a set of acronyms that have helped my mental health and those I have conversations with. These are acronyms that aid […]

For your Mental Health Co-Create with God

For your Mental Health Co-Create with God

You may feel alone, but you have a purpose, and that is to co-create with God, so lets L.O.F.O. Recently a friend asked me to pray for them. It caught me by surprise, but as I listened to the struggle they were facing, I felt it was a privilege to […]

Nine Key Learnings from Writing 500 Blog Posts

Nine Key Learnings from Writing 500 Blog Posts

Writing blog posts over many years teaches you many things,  but what are the key learnings? Knowing these can help you create words that connect. This blog post recognizes the momentous occasion of publishing 500 posts. Some posts are from guest writers, but most are from my authorship. Five hundred […]

I Want Help with my Untied Shoelaces

I Want Help with my Untied Shoelaces

At times there are things we can’t do for ourselves, but perhaps someone else can. So we ask for help with our untied shoelaces. Recently I woke up with pain in my left shoulder. I was in agony. My wife was away from home, and I knew that I had […]