‘Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never harm me’ is a fallacy. Words can hurt. They can cut right to the core of your being and can echo around and around in your mind and drive you to despair. Just think of the abuse of text bullying. […]
Sometimes I think I am like a cow. I ruminate over things, chewing my thoughts this way and that. Trying to extract something good out of them. Much of my life I have worked on farms, I even have a University Degree in Agriculture. I humorously call this my first […]
Often I travel over some sharp twisty roads. One of these roads has a large hill, and just on the other side, there is a beautiful view with a fence that has been driven through. The driver didn’t take notice of the early warning signs. There are signs to tell drivers […]
New? Find out more about me or subscribe to site updates via RSS feed, or email by clicking on the yellow book to your right and get a free eBook on Depression. Thanks for visiting! My shoulder muscles are sore, and so they should be. Yesterday I spent the day […]
Here are some conversations that may have taken place around the Christmas story Angel: Hi Mary, your going to have a baby. Teenager Mary: I’m the Lord’s maid, ready to serve. Let it be with me. What others think of me is none of my business Angel: He will […]
This week I put this image out through my Social Media channels I have been increasing my use of images to get my message across. I like working with images, they can convey so many different ideas all at once. One of my highlights this year was guest posting on Jeff Goins […]
Want to change? Most people want to change without having to do the work. Give me the pill, wave the magic wand, say ‘abra ka dabra’ and then everything changes. I don’t believe that Mental Health miracles happen overnight. Change and recovery take work and time. In those that do make […]
Helping someone who is suicidal? You’re worried, fearful, but there are things you can do. Learning this 6 keys will help. Suicidal thoughts, feelings, and a desire to die can become overwhelmingly strong. But you can help people to move through this. You can learn how to help. They reach […]
It was a shadow, in the background, going unnoticed. It was a Shadow of Light. Weird really, but a shadow it was. You couldn’t touch it but it was surely there. Light normally fills a the dark room, creating the shadows, but this was different. It was a Shadow […]
If you’re digging for dirt, you’re always going to find it, and you’re always going to overlook the gold. I was watching one of the many T.V. cop shows the other night and they were ‘digging for dirt’. The detectives were scouring over the history of a suspect looking […]