There is a fear in all of us. It’s been there seemingly forever. The Psalmist sings ‘Search me, Know my Anxious Thoughts.’ Can God be that good? I was watching a TV program about border control in the U.S.A. The officers had a tip that someone coming through immigration was […]
Mental Illnesses
I worry about what’s ahead, but I have a shepherd who prepares a table before me, so I wait, trust and see. A friend recently sent a job offering to me. It was to come to a town called Echuca in Victoria Australia and be a snake catcher. Yes, […]
When waves of anxiety come, I need to dive into the providence of God. To feel held, known and loved. This summer, here in new Zealand, I have been going for swims most days. I have a beach quite near to where I live and it’s a safe beach […]
Worries, fears, and anxieties can all bring us to a place where we pray ‘I’m anxious God’ but there is hope. I went to see my Doctor the other day for my routine checkup. ‘Anxiety’? he questioned. I replied ‘No, everything is fine there’ But a seed had been sown, […]
We all have pain and we want the pain to stop, but the pain is telling us something. What if we could identify the pain and stop the suicide slide? It’s pain and we want it to stop. It could be physical pain from body ailments, but it could […]
Having a Mental Illness can mean you feel very alone, but does being a Christian mean that you’re somehow on the outside? I wouldn’t have noticed it at the time, but a few years ago, I began to look at the shaping influences that happened in my early life, particularly […]
Emotional pain can bump our lives into behaviors that can hurt us further. But we can make a change by learning to listen to the pain, where it’s sourced, and what it wants us to do. He was in pain. I could see it, feel it, and totally understand it. […]
There are times we feel stress, but there is the hope of reassurance when we meditate on some Bible verses. One of my favorite bible characters was someone who seemed to need consistent reassurance when under stress. He was anxious, unsure, and seemed to want to argue with God. I […]
Yes, there is ‘Sin in my life’ but there is more going on than simplistic hurtful black and white thinking. We need to grow in grace Let’s crack the whip a bit louder against the soul. It’s always saddening when you hear the story of someone who believes their […]
The darkest valley can become a suffocating tomb, a hole that feels impossible to dig oneself out of, but with the help of others, a step can be made, and light can shine again. Recently I went to see ‘Tolkien,’ a movie about the author J.R.R. Tolkien who wrote classics […]