Today, as you go about your daily business, you will encounter people. Depending on where you live it could be in the thousands of a busy city or the few of a country town. Regardless, this planet has billions and billions of people of which you are one. Often I […]
Spiritual Formation
When the crisis hits, you need someone who believes in you. Someone who will be like a rock of confidence. While you are shaky and weak, they are steady and sure. For that next step in recovery, you have to know someone is there, right beside you. Not to […]
A slippery slopes can be a lot of fun. As a kid, I used to love zooming down water slides, sand dunes, and just your normal everyday playground slide. They were safe because there was nothing dangerous at the bottom. But what if there was, or if you were not […]
Sometimes my thinking feels like it’s in a traffic jam. An impatient traffic jam. Journaling can unclutter mental health confusion. Horns tooting, temperatures are rising, gridlock. Just too many neurons are firing off! One of my favorite artists, Bruce Cockburn, captures it well in his song Five Fifty-One Knots in […]
‘This is going straight into the pool room’. We all need a place to put our encouragements. Where is yours? Classic Australian comedy and especially loved by us Kiwis watching our ‘across the ditch’ neighbours making fun of themselves. All of Dad’s most prized possessions are in the Pool Room. […]
Its a painting that draws the viewer to the wound. The Caravaggio painting ‘Incredulity of Thomas’ grabs your attention. You pause. You look at the expressions on faces, the movement of hands and light. You wonder where you would be in the picture. Feelings wash over you. Caravaggio takes […]
Confession – One of my favorite shows is Ice road Truckers. In a recent show there were mouse droppings scattered all over the floor of the Kenworth truck of Ice Road Trucker Rick. He was unwell and had potentially Hanta Virus. The truck was quarantined and one serious […]
They stood beside me. Shoulder to shoulder and when my little shield of faith started to droop under the tiredness of the battle, they came in closer, knowing one day, perhaps the next, I would rise again. Friends are crucial in this life. If you have a mental illness […]
Disclaimer: I have never juggled snowballs. Photo Credit: shenamt via Compfight cc Sometimes I get a picture or a story, I believe from God, that needs to be prayerfully thought about. I had one of those the other day. I was juggling snowballs, and actually I was doing a pretty […]
If we want to see our goals achieved we have to negotiate the plan with those that will influence the outcome. Do you negotiate your plans? Over the last four posts I have been going through some lessons Daniel, a character from the Bible, has taught me about achieving […]