Stop, pause, pull back and spend some time in considering how things truly are. In the last couple of posts I have been going through some lessons Daniel, a character from the Bible, has taught me about achieving goals. In Daniel’s story we find him making a goal of […]
Spiritual Formation
Often in life, our mental health can be whittled away, but when we know this, we can find ways to restore. As a young boy one of my favourite activities to do was to get a knife and to whittle away at a piece of wood. Nothing elaborate, just a […]
If you’re digging for dirt, you’re always going to find it, and you’re always going to overlook the gold. I was watching one of the many T.V. cop shows the other night and they were ‘digging for dirt’. The detectives were scouring over the history of a suspect looking […]
Try harder, you can do it, just memorise these verses/insights, pray more, … just STOP IT. Ever felt frustrated at change in yourself. You try to stop doing the things that annoy you and others. You try and try and try. You have people in your life who think you’re […]
Art takes you places and invites you to savour new thoughts and ideas. Recently I came across this picture of Jesus and the Little Children. Painted by Carl Bloch it grabbed my attention. The people brought children to Jesus, hoping he might touch them. The disciples shooed them off. But […]
Where are you now? Erik Fisher and Jim Woods have just written a wonderful book on goal setting. Erik has a truly brilliant podcast called ‘Beyond the To Do List’. The first chapter asks the question. Where are you now? The point he is making is that in order to […]
What is the most dangerous word in the world? I recently asked this question via my various social networks. The responses were interesting. Here are some. No Yes Can’t If Love For me I think the most dangerous word in the world is ‘love’. To love means risk. It […]
Right out of the blue some words are spoken and thoughts are triggered. Feelings rush in like a flood. The panic button has been pushed. Panic, heart racing, fear, sweat. Your mind is completely caught up in this moment of drama You trace out the possible future if ‘this’ […]
There are times we need someone to walk alongside and remind us very clearly that we are loved and have value. It might your own thought life that wants to drag you down. It might be abuse from others or stigma. For Francis of Assisi, it was his father. Francis […]
‘I would never have dreamed that I could have done that.’ I think I get my greatest joy in life when I see people achieve dreams that they never thought would be possible. Mental Illness, and disability in general, often robs people of opportunities. Just because a person has depression, […]