It’s a breakdown, a mental health breakdown, and it’s happened again, but there is a way to recover, and it’s something you can achieve. The end result was exhaustion. They were empty of life and totally drained. So it was no wonder they were depressed and simply wanted to die. […]
Getting Well Staying Well
Words tumble through our thinking to be a soliloquy, but you can change what you meditate on Day and Night when you change the song. You probably won’t hear this word spoken today, this week, or even this month. Soliloquy. But you will hear a soliloquy today, and you will […]
There is a comfort zone in the familiar, but there is a calling to step out of the boat and find a little something to stand on. There’s always a call to step out of the boat. The other day I was cleaning some items off a pinboard and came […]
People say you need boundaries, but what do you want to protect? When you know your ‘YES,’ you will be able to express your ‘NO.’ This website is founded on the word ‘Yes,’ but in order for the Yes to be realized ‘No’ has been said multiple times. I have recently […]
It surrounds us all the time. Ambient stress. We probably aren’t even aware of it, but we can do something about it when we recognize it. I have one of my favorite and most cherished items on the wall above my desk. It is a barometer that measures the pressure […]
Every one of us needs someone to help us with our stress load, but the best person is someone who has been there, done that, got the scars to prove it —Jesus of the scars. Take the stress away. Essentially that’s what many of you and I pray for. We […]
Emotional pain can lead us to some very dark places, but embracing the pain may open doors for the Christ light to come and eat with us. It was another email of pain. I looked at my inbox, and someone had sent me an email in response to my ‘God, […]
Who are the Five people you spend the most time with? They will be the ones who have the most influence over you. Her response to a betrayal of friendship has probably helped thousands of others to get a better group of friends. The other day I was listening to […]
Does God Hate me? Is God punishing me? Questions like these need gentle and grace-filled responses, so here are twelve questions that I would like to ask and explore. Sometimes, when I listen to people, I hear little comments that bring a sense of sadness to my heart. Some firmly […]
We want to change, but willpower alone is never enough. It runs out. We need to have a stronger power – a heart power that strengthens our thinking. I was going to change. I was determined. No more of those old habits and going down those old stupid ways. Now […]