I worry about what’s ahead, but I have a shepherd who prepares a table before me, so I wait, trust and see. A friend recently sent a job offering to me. It was to come to a town called Echuca in Victoria Australia and be a snake catcher. Yes, […]
Helping Others
The first time I heard the Polish proverb “Not my circus, not my monkeys” I felt quite shocked, but digging deeper, I understood what they were saying. I heard it said by a husband about his wife. It felt callous. It felt cold and I still think it was. That […]
They had got so used to the intrusiveness of others that they didn’t even care anymore, but slowly a line in the sand appeared, then a fence and then they built a wall. I enjoy being kind. I am generous, probably to my own detriment, but sometimes I feel […]
We give and give, even if it does us harm, but what if we learned the limits and established a line? People have said to me in the past ‘You need to set better boundaries’ I look and them and think. ‘Thanks for the encouragement. You really haven’t listened […]
‘You need better boundaries’. How many have said this to you? How about a better knowing of yourself first? Often when you go to see a counsellor for the first time, they hand you a sheet of paper with a list of expectations and boundaries. Very few ask the counselee […]
I want to stir you up. Not to stir up anger or trouble. Actually, quite the opposite, but to love and good works. So often I hear in people a tiredness, a lethargy, even a complete deadness to something that sits resident within their souls. Maybe they have been put […]
We all have problems, but we can over-personalise them. But the problem is the problem. Not the person. There is something sneaky about problems in that, over time, starting from being a little child, problems can morph and sneak into your thinking so much so that you see yourself as […]
We have obvious problems, but real problems, the ones that drive us to unwell ness, can only be resolved by deep soul work. What’s going on underneath? We have problems. Every one reading this will have multiple problems. I just got news from a family member that the biopsies came […]
We like to be self-reliant, but at times we need help. We need a rescue plan. I got stuck in the mud a few days ago. I had been driving my small truck in the countryside and decided to do a u-turn. I crossed over the road and on to […]
Being caught in a trap was felt by the poet who wrote ‘The Snares of Death Encompassed Me’, but they had a way out. I was recently watching one of those ‘survival’ reality T.V. shows where people are thrown into the wilderness and they have to survive. The show […]