He told me that he didn’t want to take the medication ‘Because, well, I know God can heal me so I am just waiting, praying and hoping. Isn’t that what we are meant to do?’ I have heard the sad story of God and medication too many times. People getting […]
Spiritual Formation
There are some people that I struggle to like, let alone love. They are those that preen. Those who seem so full of their self-importance, strut around like peacocks, and who want everyone to notice them. You can see it so obviously with some, while with others, it’s more like […]
It always happened. After a relapse, he would always say ‘I’ll never do that again, I’m trusting in Jesus to help me’. Charged up by some sort of white-knuckled determination and singing a few Jesus songs off he would go. Sure enough, though his grit would grind out and he […]
The change was barely noticeable unless you knew them well enough to know that this was significant. It was a small change in their behaviour, a problem that had plagued them for most of their life, but now it was gone. They wanted a miracle, like the over night delivery of […]
When do you feel most fully alive? That moment where you feel right on target, in the zone, on the peak of the wave. That time and place, even for the briefest of moments, where you know fully without any doubt that this is what you were meant for. I […]
I didn’t realise life would be such a fight. I thought life was meant to be like a gentle stroll along a flower strewn pathway, chatting with best friends. Well that’s what I was designed for wasn’t I? In reality though I am in a fight, and you are too. […]
I don’t think I could ever be a politician. I look at what politicians have to put up with and know I couldn’t handle it. Adulation one day, then a knife in the back the next. All those negative voices. People wanting to tear you down, and being ready to […]
I want to do it my way. I don’t need others help. I can rebuild my life and recover in my own strength. To admit that I need help is a sign of weakness. That I am just like them. No, I am better than that. I will continue to […]
He could have said it was their problem to solve. He could have told them what they should do. He could have sat back and given out ‘good’ advice. He could have done nothing and gone home. Instead he owned the problem as if it was his own, because it […]
After years of teaching high school in downtown Los Angeles, my wife accepted a job four hours away. On top of my daily stressors of dealing with students and colleagues and deadlines at the school, I now moved to a tiny studio apartment, commuted to see my wife on weekends, and […]