She crossed a line with her words, a line that was getting thinner with every wag of the tongue, but what could be done to help them both? It was the evening of the very first day of the year (2025). A beautiful summer’s day here in New Zealand. […]
We often don’t take up opportunities around us. But what’s in your hand? Taking up the small and achievable can lead to wonderful experiences. Guest Post by Patrick Pointer Have you ever made excuses, talked yourself into why you can’t do something, or talked yourself out of a great opportunity? […]
You’ve got nothing left. An empty love tank, weightless and vulnerable. But you want love. Who and what will fill the need? The water tank was empty. I opened up the lid on the tank and immediately I could smell the residue of silt lying on the bottom of the […]
The cold wind of rejection can bite deep, but we are not alone. God knows rejection and can give us perspective and a new home of acceptance. I don’t think there is such a cold wind as the wind of rejection. I don’t want you in my life. You’re not […]
It felt they needed to be deeply held. Spooned. Quietly and gently known into a place where soul talk would emerge. To spoon Is to make room For the other To quietly be known It doesn’t have to be physical It’s actually quite spiritual Holding the words and tears Hearing […]
I want to forget some things. But does God forget? Does God choose not to remember and if so, how does this help me heal? I once visited the ancient ruins of Olympia, Greece. The tour guide told me that in the entrance to the athletic stadium there were once pillars […]
When the receiving of love has strings attached, then is it really love? Love is a Gift With no Strings Attached. In many of the gardens i visit they have garden hoses and for the last few years many gardeners have been installing retractable hose reels. They are quite a […]
We all want to be known, held and loved, but to find this requires a level of risk to have a sacred conversation. Are you ready for that? I once had a conversation with someone, what I would call a sacred conversation, and they couldn’t handle the fire. They […]
There is an internal world to every one of us with words that need sharing, but it’s hard to put into words, so we need someone safe to help us. They wanted him to tell them what was going on inside, but it felt more like he was in the […]
I want to know, and because I want to know I will ask empowering questions. Ones that open up the treasure chest of the heart and mind. It felt more like an interrogation than an invitation. Questions poured out. Demanding, angry, harsh questions that sent me into a state of […]