Life has ups and downs, but when you have an encouragement journal, you always have a place to go back to reset the heart I forget. Actually, my memory can be pretty bad. I have a ‘forgetta computer’ for a brain as someone has said. We all have a limited […]
Spiritual Formation
I have secrets I tell no one. I am not alone in this I am certain. I am sure you have them too. Things you have done have or that have been done to you. Fears, desires, longings, pains, and some things that you are not even consciously aware of. […]
It’s an acronym I learnt this week from All is Grace, Brennan Manning’s memoirs. He was describing his time in a rehab facility for his alcoholism when he received feedback from his fellow alcoholics in a peer review worksheet. I SEE YOU USING THE FOLLOWING DIVERSIONS TO KEEP FROM DEALING […]
There are some people that just push my buttons! Something about them sets off a chain reaction of thoughts and feelings. Perhaps they remind me of someone else or something that has happened in the past. A memory echo bounces around my soul. If I am going to be a […]
Who Knows you? I know Raj down at the petrol station, I know his face, I see him regularly, and he possibly knows me at the same level. If I was to see him at the Mall, without his uniform, I might wonder where I know him from. Then there […]
2011 has been a year of dramatic change for many. World news has been dominated with natural disasters, dictatorships being toppled, and economic crisis. For an interesting review check out Google’s Zeitgeist 2011: Year In Review. In New Zealand 2011 has also been a year of roller coaster emotions. Winning […]
So why did you have me born? I wish no one had ever laid eyes on me! I wish I had never been born I wish I had never been born I wish I’d never lived—a stillborn, buried without ever having breathed. Isn’t it time to call it quits on […]
Paul’s thorn in the flesh could have meaning for you. The greater the thorn, the greater the wound and scar. A ‘Thorn in the flesh’ can disable your walk physically and spiritually, but it can also be a place of growth as it keeps you in humility. Could your thorn […]
“It has been said that there is no true person unless there are two entering into communication with one another. The isolated individual is not a real person. A real person is one who lives in and for others. And the more personal relationships we form with others, the more […]
I listen to people’s stories. I sit and turn my ear and my heart to receive the precious gift they have to offer. I never feel adequate. I never feel able to make any sort of difference, but something happens. I am inadequate, and I want to stay that way. […]