It can feel very lonely when we don’t experience love. A sense of abandonment. To know that ‘I am loved’ is like the permanent embrace of presence. To be loved and know it deeply is, I think, the quest of every heart. According to early Church writer Paul, it is […]
Getting Well Staying Well
In a world of loneliness, we need the reassurance that ‘I am known’. From this, intimacy grows. One of the questions many people face is ‘Do I matter?’ For many, it feels like they don’t matter to anyone at all. That they are just a blip of dust in […]
When your world is a mess, it may seem lonely, but God is always holding us. I am held by something far bigger than myself. Currently, you are travelling at a speed of about 1,000 miles (1600 kilometers) per hour. That is the speed of the rotation of the earth. You don’t […]
You’ve been through a storm, and there has been major upheaval. Please, take time to steady the ship and restore direction. It was a wild and unsettled time in my life. It was like my little life boat had run into a big storm and I had held on […]
There will always be storms, but it’s how prepared you are is more the question. Prepare a shelter from the storm for yourself and those to come. There’s a storm coming. I can smell it. It’s a mental health storm, and it’s brewing to be a big one. A […]
There are all sorts of people in this world, and there are also all sorts of balls. If you could describe yourself as a ball, what type of ball would you be? Wrecking ball to table tennis ball. I have vague memories of the first ball I ever had. […]
We place value on things such as beauty, strength, power and riches, but there is something more valuable. I want wisdom more than silver, gold, and rubies. I couldn’t believe it. I was doing some research for this post and found that there is a website where you can measure […]
Progress and change can seem like ‘two steps forward and three steps back’ but maybe the steps need to be millimetres and with gradual gentle side ways movements we can see movement. It was disappointing when then they said it. In fact, it was surprising. They said it with good […]
A crisis hits and the scaffolding around your life seems to shake, but you have a Mental Health Grab Bag, and so you know you can get through this. An emergency hits, or maybe it’s just seeing certain family members. Something gets added to your stress load, and the […]
We all want to be known, held and loved, but to find this requires a level of risk to have a sacred conversation. Are you ready for that? I once had a conversation with someone, what I would call a sacred conversation, and they couldn’t handle the fire. They […]