There’s work, home, and loneliness, but maybe a third place can be the place of hope. Let’s make one together. I’m looking for a third place, and I think you might be too. It’s a place where I feel that I belong and there is no pressure to perform, to […]
Getting Well Staying Well
Four types of power play a part in our lives, but the power that will transform you enters your ditch and is with you. I’ve seen it all. Through the eyes of my half-dead body, I watch them come, look, and then go. Will no one stop to do what […]
When we’re half dead and want to be fully alive, we need a love that crosses a line. He was half dead. She had been stripped naked. They had worked him over, taking enjoyment from the assault. I leaned down over her nakedness and heard a whisper, ‘Help me.’ I […]
What’s your shape? I’m not talking about your body shape, i.e., weight, tall, thin, short, or wide. I’m more interested in who you are under the skin. What has happened to shape you into the person you are? What is your personality like? What do you like to eat? Favorite […]
We all have lines around us. Mostly invisible. People cross the lines, and we are hurt, but we also cross the lines of others. The line had been crossed so many times that they were losing their own personal identity. Bullies, thugs, robbers, and thieves had crossed over into their […]
One tough moment after another can bring you to the question, ‘Does God hate me’? But I want to know more, so I sit with those at the coal face and grow in my knowing. No one knows coal like a coal miner. I could go to a scientist and […]
Life can go on and on from day to day, but when we stop to notice little moments of delight, something profound can begin to grow—hope, joy, and thankfulness. Bible stories come alive. For me, there is nothing quite like sinking my teeth into a perfectly ripe Black Doris plum […]
Sometimes you can feel like you are a problem to be fixed, but you’re not that. You may have problems, but not a problem. You’re not a problem to be fixed. Neither are you a personality to be probed. You’re not a diagnosis, a number, or a category. You may […]
We can easily go from one year to the next, but before you start the year, you need to stop the year. Stop it well. As I write this, it’s the middle of the most interesting week of the year. It’s the week between Christmas and New Year. Here in […]
When you’ve hit the brick wall, the question may arise. Why was I even born? But over time, new depth may come through. A new birth may evolve. I want you to imagine that you have a bungee cord tied around your waist. You are flying through the air, and […]