This morning I woke up and realised some thing was different. While I was sleeping somebody came in and cleaned the house, sorted the washing, and even … took out the rubbish. Well, it felt like that.
Spiritual Formation
When the demands of life seem to take over and drown out our creative pursuits, we need to return and find our Creative Rhythm Guest Post from Marc Shaw After several years as an English teacher at an inner city school, my creative life had become dry as dust. I […]
As I write this I have the sound of birds singing, a gentle water fall and a trickling stream. There is a rhythm to this. Every 15 seconds it stops and repeats, stops and repeats, stops and repeats. I am not sitting in the middle of some leafy grove, but […]
A Rhythm of rest invites you to come away, rest, restore and ready yourself for the next moment. 7 steps to enable a rhythm of rest to be part of your life. Her response wasn’t surprising. She was probably more surprised at being asked the question. It was one of […]
Are you a creative sort? Actually I am going to tell you that you are a creative person and that tapping into that creative zone will transform your life, and in particular your Mental Health. Creativity comes in millions of different forms.
The steering wheel was dancing around in hands like it seemed it had a mind of its own. Vibrating in little jolts, this way then that, I knew exactly what the problem was. My steering wheels were out of alignment. It was like one wheel wanted to go one way whilst […]
I’m not a dancer, but I am a musician. I believe that our Mental Health is closely linked to the rhythms we keep. I have played guitar since I was thirteen and one of the little practice exercises I used to do in the early days was to play a […]
Guest post from Cyndy Lavoie Years ago I was struggling with anxiety. It had come on so fast (within just a few months), and so strong that I was seriously considering going to the doctor for some medication to help. When I am anxious I feel it in the […]
Letting go The more difficult the problem the tighter we tend to hang on as if by grim determination we should squeeze the answer out like the last toothpaste from an already-squashed,
I’ve had a taste and now I want more. I’m not being greedy or demanding or ‘push in line’ about it. It’s just that I have had a taste and I long for more. There are wafts of joy coming from the kitchen. There is a party going on and […]