If you put your nose to the grindstone rough, And keep it down there long enough, You will soon conclude that there are no such things, As a brook that babbles or a bird that sings. These three things will your world compose: Just you, the stone, And your ground-down […]
When I saw my mother-in-law talking very loudly in a distant relatives’ funeral, I then remembered that she didn’t have her hearing aids in, and of course, this made perfect sense … in a dream. Sleep is good and was made to be good. Within the world of our dreams, […]
You want a great day, and you plan for it. But so much is reliant on actually having a good sleep. This is because God has always meant for the day to begin when your head hits the pillow and you rest in Gods trusting embrace. There is a rhythm […]
The worst lies are the lies we tell ourselves. Can’t is really won’t and with stubborn self-protecting pride, we stifle life. There are three lies that will keep you stuck. I can’t change; They can’t change; Things won’t change.
‘What are you doing here’? Is Gods invite for us to explore our lives. To discover the reasons for what we do. It’s an empowering question to ask yourself and others. I knew where he would be. In that dark, dingy cave of a place, hunched over a machine and […]
It is always a place of rest, food, and shelter where the worn out soul must go to meet the God of hope. When depression and fear are met by the God of grounded reality, then we are in good hands. Life is hard. It can grind down on your […]
No one likes being truly honest about the reality of a Mental Illness. Progress happens when we get real and learn to understand what truly is going on. John had been to see the psychologist for some personality tests for upcoming career changes. When the psychologist just dropped into the […]
They were so caught up in themselves and their selfish desires that they got lost to the concerns of others. Without recognising the wealth of love around them, they were the prodigal, a child of abundance squandering it away. What drew them back was a memory of love, faint and small, […]
There are none so blind as those that will not see. Only when we realize that we have been chasing after false promises will our sight return. We see that we have been conned and we are now in a prison of our own making. One spring afternoon, I was […]
Do you think mental illness is God’s way of forcing us to slow down and change our behavior or is it the Devil messing with our minds? I recently received this question from one of the readers It’s an interesting question and one that I think has many questions under the question. […]