depression mental health

Out of the Darkness – Help for your depression

Perhaps you, or someone you know, have a struggle with depression or mental illness. This Free 54 page, easy to read, eBook will help your Mental Health.

Let’s be honest. We all need help at times.

Barry Pearman

Life can take twists and turns that weren’t on the plan.

I want to help you and your friends with your Mental Health.

People don’t just want a pill to take,
a pat on the back and a ‘You’ll be fine’.

They want easy-to-understand advice and support. 

Over the years, I have gleaned material that has helped many people in their recovery. 

I want to give to you.

In particular, is my free eBook ‘Out of the Darkness’.

Also, when you signup I have lots of other ebooks that you will be able to access.

Depression advice that is not technical and is easy to read.

Brief rundown 

  • Biblical characters and others with Depression
  • Myths about Depression
  • Causes of Depression
  • How to Capture your Thoughts
  • The Importance of your Behaviours
  • How to form Healthy Habits
  • What God wants to do in your Heart.
  • What Jesus taught on Stress
  • Lots of Practical Advice

eBook Details

  • 54 pages
  • 12000 words
  • FREE


Get your copy now.

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Thank you for your eBook.  I have to confess, I was sceptical at first.  Having battled depression for many years, I have often been made to feel as if I were in some how failing as a Christian for not being relentlessly ‘joyful’.  I have heard sermons and read books which have been both patronising and ignorant of the true nature of depression.

Thank you for producing a fantastic tool, which not only acknowledges the validity of depression, but practically and biblically seeks to address it.  I found it incredibly helpful to be reminded of people such as Elijah and Corrie ten Boom, who God worked through in incredible ways.  I would absolutely recommend your book, and will be reading through it again.

Further reading

7 Steps to Help Those who Ruminate.

14 Proven Bible Verses to Help Your Mental Health


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