It’s the covert way that male depression hides that makes it scary. The blind spot that men can get taken out by. Men need ‘listening’ friends where they feel safe enough to tell their stories. It was like a fog was being lifted off around my brain. I was able […]
Mental Illnesses
Do you think mental illness is God’s way of forcing us to slow down and change our behavior or is it the Devil messing with our minds? I recently received this question from one of the readers It’s an interesting question and one that I think has many questions under the question. […]
You don’t know what you don’t know, and if you’re mentally unwell, this unawareness can be huge. Well, that is kind of obvious, but actually, there are times when you look back over your life and wish that you knew then what you know now. Now I’m not talking about […]
If I were to describe my anxiety, as a doctor might, it might go something like this: “An overactive nervous condition when the brain predicts and over predicts and attempts to problem- solve with or without the victim’s consent and many times without concern of her best interests.” Lisa Delay Anxiety–it can race […]
“Christians should not get depressed.” I’m pleased to share a guest post from Richard H H Johnston of Christian Mindfulness. “Be strong in the Lord.” “You are an overcomer and more than a conqueror in Christ.” “You have the victory in Christ.” “No weapon that’s formed against you shall stand.” […]
For the apostle Paul, he knew what a dark place was like. But he found an antidote for thoughts of suicide. To him, darkness was a close friend. Always present, never leaving, clinging on like a wet shirt. Life sucked. No joy, no hope. As he sat with me I […]
As a person who has experienced mental illness and as someone who is seen by many as unable to provide any kind of valuable input to society, as somebody who is generally seen as more of a burden than a contributor I have often felt like a burden to others. […]