Life’s not fair, and there is mystery involved. When we know there is a bigger story going on then perhaps grace can heal the wounds. It was always the same conversation. Life’s not fair. They didn’t just carry a chip on their shoulder, it was a gigantic log, and it […]
Developing a relationship with God where we feel loved and graced upon is the most precious gift you can give your mental health. Rules and regulations without relationship will only lead to rebellion and resentment. Grace and forgiveness bring healing. Isn’t it interesting how early experiences shape your view of life […]
Community brings so many positive effects on our mental health. Community lifts us higher and takes us further towards wellness than we ever could get on our own. Anyone wishing to enhance their mental health or the mental health of others does well to find a way to plug into […]
How can a person know when they have truly forgiven someone else. What is the difference between true forgiveness and simply stuffing down or sweeping under the rug your feelings? It is tempting for Christians to try to forgive quickly in order to ease their minds and resolve the conflict. […]
To ‘Walk the extra mile’ is not about being generous, or servanthood. It’s about flipping the power dynamics and creating a sense of fear and uncertainty. Have you ever heard someone say ‘They walked the extra mile’? We link this little phrase with the idea that this person did more […]
Giving the ‘shirt off your back’ is not an invitation to more abuse. It is a subtle expression of self-worth and can confuse and shame the bully. Have you ever tried to challenge someone’s behavior, and it just gets thrown back at you? You may feel like you are being […]
Harsh words and rough hands can abuse but are we meant to turn the other cheek and accept the abuse. No, we are to grow in dignity. She had given into the bully 365 times too many. She had been cheek-slapped all of the marriage. For him, he had accepted […]
There are none so blind as those that will not see. Only when we realize that we have been chasing after false promises will our sight return. We see that we have been conned and we are now in a prison of our own making. One spring afternoon, I was […]
You think you have forgiven, but now and then anger bubbles up. You try and stuff it back in its box, but you know that its whisper is still fuming around your heart. Perhaps you need to discover compassion. A step that is unusual and not what you naturally want […]
Confession can take the pressure off ourselves and give an opportunity for harmony to come into our relationships. Six things we need to learn about confession for our Mental Health. ‘I need help with my husband, wife, child, friend.’ The thought of living in harmony with others sounds idealistic and […]