Spiritual Formation

227 posts

How a Cup of Coffee Changes my Life

Knots in my muscles, too much traffic in my mind Traffic in my mind, traffic in my mind Knots in my muscles, too much traffic in my mind.Bruce Cockburn Ever find yourself with too much traffic in your mind? What is the traffic in your mind? What is causing the […]

The Gentle Art of Letting Go

The Gentle Art of Letting Go

He was taking a risk in releasing it to the wild and unknown.  It cooed quietly then off and away it flew as Noah let it go. 7 long days Noah waited and hoped. The Dove returned, olive leaf in its beak, it was time to leave the cramped quarters […]

4. Release what is good! *

I love good conversations. The ones where we speak words of life into each other.  Conversations that energize the tired battered soul. That stir up the flickering embers of life. For most conversations however they are a mix of ‘try harder’, ‘fix what is wrong’ and ‘get more’. All requiring me […]

Extreme Makeover

Extreme Makeover to your Living House

Over the last few weeks, I have had time to get to work on some of the home maintenance issues that have needed addressing. The list was quite long, but slowly and steadily I have worked through them all, item by item. There will always be a list of things […]