Better Boundaries

Better Boundaries?

‘You need better boundaries’. How many have said this to you? How about a better knowing of yourself first? Often when you go to see a counsellor for the first time, they hand you a sheet of paper with a list of expectations and boundaries. Very few ask the counselee […]

I Want To Stir You Up

I want to Stir You Up

I want to stir you up. Not to stir up anger or trouble. Actually, quite the opposite, but to love and good works. So often I hear in people a tiredness, a lethargy, even a complete deadness to something that sits resident within their souls. Maybe they have been put […]

Unburdened from what has been

Unburdened From What Has Been

We carry so much load, but what if we were unburdened? Perhaps the donkey might learn to dance light and free. It’s an image that tells a story. The story of a heavy laden down camel carrying a load of straw and the little proverb ‘the final straw that broke […]

The Problem is The Problem - Not the Person

The Problem is The Problem – Not the Person

We all have problems, but we can over-personalise them. But the problem is the problem. Not the person. There is something sneaky about problems in that, over time, starting from being a little child, problems can morph and sneak into your thinking so much so that you see yourself as […]

To Forgive Is To ...

To Forgive Is to Remember… Differently

Memories can pull us to places we don’t want to go to. But to forgive is not to forget, but to remember … differently. My father used to play lawn bowls. In lawn bowls, the bowl that you roll down the green is slightly weighted heavier on one side. As […]

The Real Problem

The Real Problem

We have obvious problems, but real problems, the ones that drive us to unwell ness, can only be resolved by deep soul work. What’s going on underneath? We have problems. Every one reading this will have multiple problems. I just got news from a family member that the biopsies came […]

An Empty Love Tank

An Empty Love Tank

You’ve got nothing left. An empty love tank, weightless and vulnerable. But you want love. Who and what will fill the need? The water tank was empty. I opened up the lid on the tank and immediately I could smell the residue of silt lying on the bottom of the […]

I Need a Rescue Plan

We like to be self-reliant, but at times we need help. We need a rescue plan. I got stuck in the mud a few days ago. I had been driving my small truck in the countryside and decided to do a u-turn. I crossed over the road and on to […]

My Sin is Ever Before Me

My Sin is Ever Before Me

Our brains can keep reminding us. ‘My Sin is Ever Before Me’ writes the poet, but what if we had a purifier?   It’s ever before me. It’s in my face. If there was a common theme, I get from many of those who email me it is the sense […]

Keep my life simple

Keep my life simple

I’ve got too much going on in my life, but I want to keep my life simple, so I discard the complex.   He’s a fictional character and I like the freedom he has. His name is Jack reacher and is the creation of Lee Child. Jack Reacher has the […]