Being caught in a trap was felt by the poet who wrote ‘The Snares of Death Encompassed Me’, but they had a way out. I was recently watching one of those ‘survival’ reality T.V. shows where people are thrown into the wilderness and they have to survive. The show […]
Getting Well Staying Well
I need wisdom ointment, but so much ointment contains flies. Wisdom that comes from above, wisdom that is pure and holy. I was visiting a friend the other day, and she noticed I had some eczema on my hand. It had been there a few days and was slightly […]
We all have painful experiences in life, but redeemed pain is more impressive than removed pain. What good can be found within in our pain? Sometimes I am given a gift voucher. It has no value tangibly in itself. It is but a piece of plastic the size of […]
I Can’t Take the Pain Away I can’t take the pain away I don’t have a magic wand I don’t have a time travel machine To wish us back to nought It’s the clugginess Of this earth bound clay That grips around the soul One day, we know not when […]
We all have pain and we want the pain to stop, but the pain is telling us something. What if we could identify the pain and stop the suicide slide? It’s pain and we want it to stop. It could be physical pain from body ailments, but it could […]
The practices of your week and day may drain your life, but what practices restore your soul? ‘Oh, that’s so good for the soul’ Sometimes I hear people say that. Sometimes I say it myself. It’s that moment when you feel a restoring of something drained out of you. You […]
The stress load was too much to handle, but they knew what to do, so they took action and calmed the stress load down. It was just getting too much, and I could feel it in my body. This was the experience from last weekend when I had a […]
The cold wind of rejection can bite deep, but we are not alone. God knows rejection and can give us perspective and a new home of acceptance. I don’t think there is such a cold wind as the wind of rejection. I don’t want you in my life. You’re not […]
It felt they needed to be deeply held. Spooned. Quietly and gently known into a place where soul talk would emerge. To spoon Is to make room For the other To quietly be known It doesn’t have to be physical It’s actually quite spiritual Holding the words and tears Hearing […]
We hear words every day. Some words can carry an energy that hurts, but there are also words that heal. Let’s focus on words that heal and not hurt. It wasn’t just the words they said; it was the energy behind them that truly cut me to shreds. It was […]