Confidence grows slowly and steadily when we are empowered by people walking alongside us. I could see the hope and confidence slowly fading and being sucked away in this young guys face. He was going to return to live with mummy. He was doing so well with the support our […]
Helping Others
There is a time for everything, including rescuing, but let’s focus on the rebuilding through empowerment. It was one of those lightbulb moments for me. I had just discovered something new that threw some new light on an old struggle. Ever had one of those? What I learned is that […]
‘I’m such a failure’ If you’ve never quietly said it about yourself, then you will most likely have heard it from someone else. This post is to help you help others you have problems with a failure mindset. For myself, I can so easily personalise my failures into ‘I’m a failure’.
Here are some conversations that may have taken place around the Christmas story Angel: Hi Mary, your going to have a baby. Teenager Mary: I’m the Lord’s maid, ready to serve. Let it be with me. What others think of me is none of my business Angel: He will […]
Problems! We all have them, and they can so often create incredible amounts of pressure and stress. A small problem for one person can seem like a mountain of stress for another. The problem can feel too big, and that there is no way of solving it. People also come to you with […]
What is it like to feel alone with your struggle? You are having a hard time in your life. There is pain, frustration, a desperateness and you feel completely alone with it. You may have people around you who care. They may even be professionals such as doctors, nurses, support workers, […]
It was a place where I felt embraced, and others felt it too. It wasn’t so much a physical embrace like a hug. It was more a knowing that here in this place, this relationship I was both invited to give something of myself and to receive something. It wasn’t […]
Helping someone who is suicidal? You’re worried, fearful, but there are things you can do. Learning this 6 keys will help. Suicidal thoughts, feelings, and a desire to die can become overwhelmingly strong. But you can help people to move through this. You can learn how to help. They reach […]
Tis the season to be jolly, so a few brief thoughts about Angels in this Christmas season. I was reading the Christmas story the other day and I was struck by how Angels affected the people they came into contact with. So with a little creativity, here are 14 reasons […]