
104 posts

Saying 'Yes' empowers your saying 'No'

Saying ‘Yes’ empowers your saying ‘No’

Inviting your ‘Yes’ to be ‘YES’ encourages your ‘No’ to be ‘NO’. Some boundaries are easy to defend with the word ‘No’ whilst other boundaries you feel like they get walked over all the time. The other day I was offered a piece of very yummy looking chocolate cake. I […]

How Photos Can Help Your Mental Health

Over the past week I have noticed in this end of the year period a new Facebook type of post – ‘My Year’. In this post the Facebook friend has selected highlights and photos from the years journey to tell the story of ‘My Year’ I have looked at some […]

3 Ways to Disempower The Darkside Of Social Media

3 Ways to Disempower The Darkside Of Social Media

Social Media is a great way of connecting with people and sharing content.   There is so much creativity out there and Social Media provides a great outlet for such creativity.  There is however a dark side, a shadow, a hidden side to this wonderful new information service. My wife […]

Popularity – Are You Trying To Win Approval?

Earthly popularity wins no angel points with God. I like to be liked. I like to be well thought of, admired and respected. In the Social Media world we can even measure the amount of popularity or influence a person has. The techies have a measuring tool called Klout. I […]

I'm So Angry That I'm Going To ...

I’m So Angry That I’m Going To …

I am angry.  I am so angry that I am going to take up arms and … This is not a normal feeling for me, or perhaps it is and I have been too P.C. (pastorally correct) to embrace it.  What am I angry about? Let me turn that back […]

How To Find Security When You Feel Like The Target

Nasty stuff. It was flying at me in all directions with the fragile weather vane of my emotions drooping under the torrent.   Ever been there? Sure you have. Bullies abound from school yard to head office. Now we have the internet and other forms of communication that can enable […]

Spoken Covenants Can Help Your Mental Health

It moved me.   The other night I watched the movie ‘Lincoln’ and even though I am not an American and I don’t have a great understanding of American history, there was one particular scene right at the start that spoke volumes to me. Abraham Lincoln was with his Union […]