‘Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never harm me’ is a fallacy. Words can hurt. They can cut right to the core of your being and can echo around and around in your mind and drive you to despair. Just think of the abuse of text bullying. […]
Often I travel over some sharp twisty roads. One of these roads has a large hill, and just on the other side, there is a beautiful view with a fence that has been driven through. The driver didn’t take notice of the early warning signs. There are signs to tell drivers […]
I always thought sheep were pretty dumb. But with the habits they I now realise that actually they aren’t totally woolly in their thinking. (sorry had to say it) As I child, on a New Zealand sheep farm, I remember asking my father a very simple question. What is this line […]
This week I put this image out through my Social Media channels I have been increasing my use of images to get my message across. I like working with images, they can convey so many different ideas all at once. One of my highlights this year was guest posting on Jeff Goins […]
Problems! We all have them, and they can so often create incredible amounts of pressure and stress. A small problem for one person can seem like a mountain of stress for another. The problem can feel too big, and that there is no way of solving it. People also come to you with […]
Want to change? Most people want to change without having to do the work. Give me the pill, wave the magic wand, say ‘abra ka dabra’ and then everything changes. I don’t believe that Mental Health miracles happen overnight. Change and recovery take work and time. In those that do make […]
When the stress loading becomes too much it is very easy to lose your way. What we need is some sort of Thinking Compass. Mental Illness is one of the worst fog generating experiences you can have. Your brain can play tricks on you. Your perceptions can change, sometimes quite […]