Just outside my window, I can see a beautiful yellow rose. It wasn’t there last week, well actually it was, but it was just tightly bound up under its green calyx. A lot can happen in a week, in a day, in a moment. I can see the beauty but to deeply […]
The shame of an attempt at suicide can cling onto you like the odor of some dirty old socks. You would do anything to get rid of that stench. Is that a good description of shame? That feeling of embarrassment at what you have done. You want to hide, run, cover it […]
If I were to describe my anxiety, as a doctor might, it might go something like this: “An overactive nervous condition when the brain predicts and over predicts and attempts to problem- solve with or without the victim’s consent and many times without concern of her best interests.” Lisa Delay Anxiety–it can race […]
It was off to the races, and my thoughts and feelings were racing around in my head. Out in front was ‘This and that’ followed firmly behind by ‘Panic’ and ‘Fear.’ Neck and neck were ‘Hopelessness’ and ‘Despair’ while ‘Stuck in the Mud’ was stuck in the mud and sinking. […]
The fuel gauge on this soul wasn’t on E for Enough, it was on E for Empty and Exhausted. How do we restore the soul? Life is exhausting at times. Demands come from everywhere. Things start to fall apart and you’re that little less patient. Anxious and depressive thoughts gain […]
‘I’m such a failure’ If you’ve never quietly said it about yourself, then you will most likely have heard it from someone else. This post is to help you help others you have problems with a failure mindset. For myself, I can so easily personalise my failures into ‘I’m a failure’.
Pressure within is building. How do you let it out without destroying precious relationships? You prick the balloon in a safe controlled planned out way. You need to let it out or it will eat you up.
To heal, we need to humbly accept the truth of our human fragility. Medication can help us heal. There is a soap opera here in New Zealand called Shortland Street. In the very first episode, a nurse tells a doctor a simple sentence that has become, believe it or not, part […]
Guest post from Cyndy Lavoie Years ago I was struggling with anxiety. It had come on so fast (within just a few months), and so strong that I was seriously considering going to the doctor for some medication to help. When I am anxious I feel it in the […]
Problems! We all have them, and they can so often create incredible amounts of pressure and stress. A small problem for one person can seem like a mountain of stress for another. The problem can feel too big, and that there is no way of solving it. People also come to you with […]