Six people you don’t want help from, and there could be more; therefore, it’s time to detach from them and have them leave your emotional room. There are some people that I am wary of getting help from or even suggesting others get help from. They may be well-meaning, have […]
Getting Well Staying Well
Sometimes we can find ourselves stuck in a dark hole and feel like we are going down, but there is hope when we open ourselves to the connection and support from others. One property I work on as a gardener is a small farm, and I get to use a […]
We can have an overreaction to life’s events, but when we search out what’s behind the reaction, we often find history-based pain. Let’s help the prickly pear. It was a reaction I wasn’t expecting. I had made a few jokes, and their response wasn’t to have a simple laugh with […]
We are all in a daily grind of struggle, but when you listen for the voices of demand, you can learn to be kind to yourself and others. You can find rest. This person deserves a medal. Sometimes I listen to a person sharing something of their lives, and I […]
It was tasting the dust of devastation. The broken pieces. But those fragments can be brought together, and so we quietly form a new mosaic Broken pieces. That’s all that was left behind. It was a moment that captured the world’s attention. A massive explosion of ammonium nitrate brought a […]
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage through our lives, but perhaps simple wisdom could save the world. The most important thing is people. In January, I could see that it was going to be war. It was going to be a battle for our lives. This was the attitude I […]
We can live warped lives because of a shadow hanging over us, but that shadow can be removed if we face what’s causing the shadow and allow the light to flood in. Have you ever walked in a shadow? Of course you have, but you probably didn’t take much notice […]
We are like a cup in which energy both fills and drains. But we can grow by paying attention to the cup and understanding the fillers and the drainers. It was always a challenge to get them to care for themselves. They were always giving out to others, and I […]
The load we carry can get too heavy, and we can breakdown. But we can grow through it when we have others who will watch with us. I needed help. I vividly remember the day I rang emergency services. I had come to a point where I knew I couldn’t […]
It was the feelings of a guilt trip and the words of being a ‘Brothers Keeper’ that triggered me. But was it genuinely helping me and them to think this way? Something needed to change. Some people seem to be able to push the manipulation guilt trip button every time. […]