When no one understands you, it can create a deep sense of loneliness. Perhaps there are reasons for the lack of being known. Forgive them anyway. They were carrying something precious. Their inner world. Thoughts, feelings, motivations, desires, pains, and joys. Everything that goes on within their life and sometimes […]
At times, it can seem like God isn’t with us, but God is there with, ‘and it just so happened’ moments to bring about a larger story going on. I often listen to people’s stories and wonder where God is in them. Often the stories tell of mess. There is […]
When you’re depressed or in a psychotic crisis, it’s normal to believe our negativity is everything there is, but the power of love and light is a constant we can tap into. Guest post by Sónia Monteiro Pop culture immortalized this sequence of words that gives title to at least two […]
Life can bring times when we feel completely abandoned, but we have a place of feathers that can hold us secure, so we enter that place of being loved, held, and known. I’m not sure why, but for many years the final words of my day as my head rests […]
Sometimes you can feel like you are a problem to be fixed, but you’re not that. You may have problems, but not a problem. You’re not a problem to be fixed. Neither are you a personality to be probed. You’re not a diagnosis, a number, or a category. You may […]
We can easily go from one year to the next, but before you start the year, you need to stop the year. Stop it well. As I write this, it’s the middle of the most interesting week of the year. It’s the week between Christmas and New Year. Here in […]
When you are living in the shadow, you may feel unseen, but that place of the hidden may be the best place to be, so let’s make the most of it. One of my favorite plants lives in the shadows. It can live in full sunlight but does best and […]
People say you need boundaries, but what do you want to protect? When you know your ‘YES,’ you will be able to express your ‘NO.’ This website is founded on the word ‘Yes,’ but in order for the Yes to be realized ‘No’ has been said multiple times. I have recently […]
It surrounds us all the time. Ambient stress. We probably aren’t even aware of it, but we can do something about it when we recognize it. I have one of my favorite and most cherished items on the wall above my desk. It is a barometer that measures the pressure […]
Who are the Five people you spend the most time with? They will be the ones who have the most influence over you. Her response to a betrayal of friendship has probably helped thousands of others to get a better group of friends. The other day I was listening to […]