‘I’m such a failure’ If you’ve never quietly said it about yourself, then you will most likely have heard it from someone else. This post is to help you help others you have problems with a failure mindset. For myself, I can so easily personalise my failures into ‘I’m a failure’.
Helping Others
Here are some conversations that may have taken place around the Christmas story Angel: Hi Mary, your going to have a baby. Teenager Mary: I’m the Lord’s maid, ready to serve. Let it be with me. What others think of me is none of my business Angel: He will […]
Problems! We all have them, and they can so often create incredible amounts of pressure and stress. A small problem for one person can seem like a mountain of stress for another. The problem can feel too big, and that there is no way of solving it. People also come to you with […]
What is it like to feel alone with your struggle? You are having a hard time in your life. There is pain, frustration, a desperateness and you feel completely alone with it. You may have people around you who care. They may even be professionals such as doctors, nurses, support workers, […]
It was a place where I felt embraced, and others felt it too. It wasn’t so much a physical embrace like a hug. It was more a knowing that here in this place, this relationship I was both invited to give something of myself and to receive something. It wasn’t […]
Helping someone who is suicidal? You’re worried, fearful, but there are things you can do. Learning this 6 keys will help. Suicidal thoughts, feelings, and a desire to die can become overwhelmingly strong. But you can help people to move through this. You can learn how to help. They reach […]
Tis the season to be jolly, so a few brief thoughts about Angels in this Christmas season. I was reading the Christmas story the other day and I was struck by how Angels affected the people they came into contact with. So with a little creativity, here are 14 reasons […]