Spiritual Formation

227 posts

A Surprise Guest

A surprise guest She slips soft into my consciousness like morning rain dew-fall from heaven both manna and leaven Arriving like a surprise guest expecting a warm welcome for her sudden appearance though unglimpsed in the distance My cold heart remains wary reacts slow, suspicious opens its door – hesitant […]

The Silent Song That Stirred Up New Life

What song was that? Was there a song at all, or was it the whisper of tiredness from an unseen cosmic battle. The Easter story is full of drama, but what was the musical score. We go to the movies and in the background behind the storyline there is music. If […]

Three Gratitude’s

  Three Gratitude’s Every night before I go to sleep I say out loud Three things that I’m grateful for, All the significant, insignificant Extraordinary, ordinary stuff of my life. It’s a small practice and humble, And yet, I find I sleep better Holding what lightens and softens my life […]

Unfurling of Hope

  Sometimes God just jumps out on your daily path of busyness and whispers ‘Look at me’. It happened like this for me the other day. I was working on a farm trying to solve some water reticulation problems. As I was walking to the water pump I happened to […]

Look Out For Opportunities

L.O.F.O – Look Out For Opportunities

Do you look for opportunities? L.O.F.O Sometimes the very thing we most need we miss seeing because we are not open to looking for the not so obvious opportunities. I was walking with my wife into our local shopping mall yesterday when we happened to notice a car with a […]