There was a single tear, and I knew we were on sacred ground, but there was a decision to be made. I chose to linger and listen. I was talking with a man in his eighties the other day when I noticed a tear forming in his eye. I knew […]
When I feel respect, I feel valued, and I know I am loved. Respect is about love. It is love in action. Women need respect as much as men. In 2004 a book by Christian writer Dr. Emerson Eggerich was released. It was Love & Respect: The Love She Most […]
We’ve all fallen to the oldest trick in the book, but we need to know the oldest truth in the book. Knowing the difference between ministry and manipulation. I watched them do it. They said a few words, suggested some options, smiled in a certain way, and waited. It wasn’t […]
They were too naked in their vulnerability. Too much too soon, but with careful listening, time, and respect, they began to feel deeply known. They had been too naked with their vulnerability. They thought they were safe with this friend, that what they shared wouldn’t be exposed. But it was […]
It can be so debilitating to be told ‘you need to have boundaries,’ but as you grow the heart, a new empowered strength slowly builds within. ‘You really need to have boundaries’ How many times have you heard this said or even said it yourself? I always feel a little […]
Being formed like a little child is something Jesus wants us to do, but how are we to do this as adults? Perhaps it’s by surrender to the potter’s hand. Probably the most joyous gift to our family over recent years has been the addition of a new family member. […]
Criticism can hurt, bruise and extinguish our hearts, but learning how to handle criticism can build new strength and resilience. I could see the hope drain out of him as I watched both the subtle and not so subtle criticisms land upon him. I was in a meeting with a […]
Trust can get broken so easily, but we can build a new trust by cognitively reassessing our situations. It takes time and effort, but it is worth it. There was a rebuilding that needed to happen. It was a rebuilding of trust in themselves and with others. Somewhere, some time, […]
Six people you don’t want help from, and there could be more; therefore, it’s time to detach from them and have them leave your emotional room. There are some people that I am wary of getting help from or even suggesting others get help from. They may be well-meaning, have […]
We can have an overreaction to life’s events, but when we search out what’s behind the reaction, we often find history-based pain. Let’s help the prickly pear. It was a reaction I wasn’t expecting. I had made a few jokes, and their response wasn’t to have a simple laugh with […]