Search Results for : boundaries

53 results

Having an Open Hand

Having an Open Hand

 It takes energy to hold a closed hand, but with gentle movement, we find an open hand. In openness, we both give and receive.   A few years ago, I noticed that my right hand was often clenched tight into a fist. Not a fighting fist, but more a fist […]

Nine Acronyms for Mental Health

Nine Acronyms for Mental Health

Often you need a little acronym to remind you of a path to follow. Here are nine acronyms to help your mental health.  Over the years, I have collected a set of acronyms that have helped my mental health and those I have conversations with. These are acronyms that aid […]

Love That Crosses A Line

A Love That Crosses A Line

When we’re half dead and want to be fully alive, we need a love that crosses a line.  He was half dead. She had been stripped naked. They had worked him over, taking enjoyment from the assault. I leaned down over her nakedness and heard a whisper, ‘Help me.’ I […]

I Want Help with my Untied Shoelaces

I Want Help with my Untied Shoelaces

At times there are things we can’t do for ourselves, but perhaps someone else can. So we ask for help with our untied shoelaces. Recently I woke up with pain in my left shoulder. I was in agony. My wife was away from home, and I knew that I had […]